Melker Portfolio 2022, pre-order prices and conditions announced.
Meet and greet with us @ The Paddle Sports Show, 29th of Sept - 2nd of Oct in Lyon, France.
We are located in La Halle Tony Garnier / booth E24.
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Pre-book a meeting with us!
To make sure that we reserve proper time for meeting and greeting - and for planning how we jointly will make Melker a great success in 2022 - please send a meeting request to info@melkerofsweden.se with a suggested date and time, and we will get back to you swiftly.
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Melker of Sweden
We are in business to make a difference - having a great time doing it!
Melker of Sweden offers innovative, sustainable, sleek & stylish kayaks for an active and conscious lifestyle.
An interplay between the environment, ethics and economy is strategically important to us – making it possible to make a difference for real.
Our core values also include having a great time - making sure that we always do what we love together with friends, family and partners sharing our philosophy.
Staying true to our philosophy makes it possible for us to create a successful business we are proud to run and work for.