Pressrelease - 14th of February 2022
Stockholm, Sweden / Bergen, Norway
Melker of Sweden available in Norway together with Platou Sport
In early springtime 2022 paddlers in Norway will get the opportunity to experience sleek and stylish kayaks from Melker of Sweden, as Platou Sport introduces the brand in their portfolio.
Swedish-based Melker of Sweden (www.melkerofsweden.com) was founded in 2015, with the bold ambition to completely game change the outdoor hardware industry.
Melker of Sweden has constantly been pushing the boundaries of sustainability, craftsmanship, design and innovation - which has brought Melker of Sweden to be the most recognized watersports company, being honoured by the international paddlesports industry & community, including several awards for their sleek and stylish outdoor products for an active and conscious lifestyle.
Platou Sport (www.platousport.com) was established in Bergen/Norway already in 1918 and will carry a selected number of models from Melker of Sweden’s portfolio of kayaks. Platou Sport has a great number of stores in Bergen, Ålesund, Molde, Sandnes, Madla, Fjøsanger, and has the ability to deliver the kayaks in all parts of Norway, which guarantees that Melker’s products will be available to a huge number of potential Norwegian paddlers.
"We represent the competence-enhancing part of the sports and outdoor industry within clothing and equipment to pursue an easy, versatile and sustainable outdoor life. Our customers are really conscious users and that is why Melker’s approach to sustainability, craftsmanship, design and innovation is a perfect fit for us” says CEO and owner Brede Birkeland @ Platou Sport.
”We are very pleased to start this cooperation with Brede Birkeland & co at Platou Sport as they have both long experience and the needed know-how to offer our products and amplifying the brand in the Norwegian market” says Pelle Stafshede, CEO and Creative Director @ Melker of Sweden.
Article about Melker of Sweden and CEO Pelle Stafshede in Norwegian magazine Padling -> NÅR DU VIL PADLE MED REN SAMVITTIGHET
For more information and high-res content, contact;
Pelle Stafshede, CEO and Creative Director, Melker of Sweden
+46 733 16 95 35
Brede Birkeland, CEO and owner, Platou Sport
+47 905 50 411